Saturday, November 12, 2005

Al Gore at Net Impact Conference

I found a huge photograph of Al Gore on the front of the Saturday Nov 12 2005 San Francisco Chronicle business section with a very short caption describing what seems a medium expensive but very interesting, possibly important conference this weekend, where " participants discuss themes including corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, community development and environmental management" according to the site. Click on the title of this post for the conference web site. It is sold out. Kudos to the Chron business section for featuring the photo with the headline "It's not about the money."

Hoping the speech was late last night and this is just the beginning of coverage ,not shallow celebrity journalism with no story beyond the big photo and caption (nothing at all I can find on the web version). Maybe it is out of their purview because it is not about the money, but hopefully they will have more coverage tomorrow or Monday.

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