Saturday, January 02, 2010

Peacenik stock play - sell arms stocks short

I was thinking because of some news stories, about the real "Dude" , who inspired the Big Lebowski character, and I realized I had a relative and a friend who also lived their progressive political and artistic views pretty much without compromising, and that it led to or at least co-existed with, in the long term, pretty successful financial outcomes in these cases. All of them were more or less in media, arts, show biz.

I wonder if maybe one could work against war and the arms trade and that familiarity with upcoming possible arms and peace treaties, and possible outbreaks of peace, might put one in a position to sell arms stocks short in a timely manner, and as a side benefit. being among the arms "bears" when they are vulnerable. I wonder if Geoge Soros has ever thought of it, the way he famously "shorted" the pound with a 10 billion play once. Of course one would be bucking world history to think that the military part of the military industrial complex, which traditionally grows more reliably than anything, and the cold war peace dividend of the early 90s has been obliterated it seems by new perceived bugaboos.Also another film inspiration, this one very negative, Viktor Bout, who is said to have inspired the film, Lord of War, seems to have beaten an attempt to extradite him from Thailand last August, but remains in jail pending an appeal soon. So all those factors are the major risks one would have to account for. Also if you were a prominent peace advocate and you shorted arms stocks, you could be accused of only promoting peace for short term financial advantage.

At least one can fantasize about a successful bear run against the arms trade in a worldwide outbreak of peace.

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