Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Shouting and persuading

A couple of nice debates
Alice Walker at a Code Pink event just before Oct. 5 2006 rallies(paraphrase):

There will be shouting at the upcoming rally, and I can't bear shouting. I know Dennis (Bernstain) says this is a time for shouting. Well some of us are constitutionally built for shouting and some of for persuading. We have to have peace within to make peace outside.

Ghandi's grandson described conversation with Arafat some years ago:

ARUN GANDHI: I told Mr. Arafat, I said, suppose you were to go there and lead this half a million people, men, women and children, in a march to Palestine, and no armaments or anything, just say that we are coming back to live in peace and harmony in our homeland, can the Israelis kill so many people and live with their conscience? I said the whole world would wake up and stop this action.

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