Tuesday, December 06, 2005

William F Buckley on Pacifica's WBAI in 1970s

In 1970. William F. Buckley was one of numerous celebrities who read portions of the entire War and Peace Reprehensible in hindsight, considering how the National Review was financed and staffed, which was not known at the time. The invitation to him was not so bad, but he gave them a perfect excuse not to include him by refusing to come to the studio for fear of appearing to support leftists. So the WBAI people extended themselves by going to his New York mansion to record him and then compounded their obsequious behaviour by accepting a limo ride back to the station, and lamenting that no one was there to see them arrive. Good for the notoriety of the program, bad for integrity. I am all for dialogue with opposing views and accepting challenges to see how the other side arrives at their point of view, but a little parity and dignity please. (click on title above to find the audio of the interview)

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